Our approach
In order to have the greatest possible impact on the scale and complexity of the challenges in South Asia, we deliberately aim to think differently about the challenges; we disrupt the traditional development agenda and seek new, effective solutions.
View Our Theory of Change
These key principles drive our approach:
- The private sector has a central role to play.
- We convene powerful cross-sector partnerships.
- We invest in learning, innovation and entrepreneurship.
- We support scalable and sustainable solutions.
- We safeguard the wellbeing of the people that we work with and for.
- We can always learn and improve.
“It’s just as important to apply investment principles to not-for-profit investments as it is to profit-making investments. The British Asian Trust does that.”
Chris Mathias, former British Asian Trust Board member and co-founder of CMG Partners and Arbor Ventures
The importance of partnership
We know that our impact will be greatest if we work with others to design programmes, raise funds and convene powerful cross-sector partnerships. We are keen to work with the best organisations from across the sophisticated South Asian development sector.
Seeking innovation
Our work draws on the breadth of innovation and learning in the sector, the drive of the private sector, the energy of the South Asian diaspora, and the mandate for transformation from institutions and government.
Achieving impact
We believe our work should be a catalyst for large-scale, long-term change. We embrace new social finance tools, philanthropy and technology to deliver significant impact for disadvantaged communities.

The British Asian Trust has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, exploitation, and abuse. The British Asian Trust is committed to safeguard the wellbeing of every person in our community, and all the people that we work with, through and for. All people without exception have the right to protection from harm, including all forms of bullying, harassment, exploitation, and abuse. It is the responsibility of the British Asian Trust, where relevant, to prevent the physical, sexual, and emotional harm and exploitation of every member of our community, particularly vulnerable adults, and children. The British Asian Trust is committed to creating and sustaining an environment where potential risks are easily and immediately identified and managed in a consistent and comprehensive manner. We will ensure victims and survivors of safeguarding breaches are at the heart of our safeguarding response.
If you want a copy of our full policy or would like to contact us about safeguarding or any other related issues please do email us on: safeguarding@britishasiantrust.org