Abha Thorat-Shah, Programmes & Investments Director reports back on her recent visit to New York
Our visit has enabled us to explore and forge interesting partnerships within the international development community, US diaspora and philanthropists. This coincided with the UN General Assembly where we had a valuable opportunity for the British Asian Trust to contribute our voice on the international development stage.
There were three positive outcomes from our visit:
Firstly, it was great to note that we are at the very heart of the growing interest in social finance as a vehicle for driving systemic change in education and beyond. It is very clear that we have a critical role to play as we continue to develop our education Development Impact Bond and develop further innovative finance products for the region.
Secondly, we had very useful meetings with US diaspora organisations and leading influencers. We learnt that we have much in common including a shared passion to make a positive impact in South Asia. We will continue to explore opportunities to build our networks and the potential ways that we can work together.
And finally, we explored how our work is contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We all have a role to play but the only way the world will make progress is if we all work together. So, I am more convinced than ever that our partnership approach is the way forward.
Our plans now include following up on the many useful connections to ensure we can multiply the impact we can have in South Asia. As we approach our 10th year celebrations next year, watch this space for many new partnership announcements emerging off the back of this visit!
If you are interested in social finance, I highly recommend reading the 'In-Conversation' piece with our CEO Richard Hawkes.
Also, please read this fantastic piece on the collective power of the UK diaspora to tackle critical issues in South Asia.