Driving in change! Overcoming the societal and logistical challenges to a higher education

Naina used her ‘shakti’ (strength) to find ways to overcome the opposition and logistical challenges to a higher education, not just for herself, but for other girls in her community.

Naina, the eldest of 11 sisters, faced significant obstacles after completing her 10th grade. Influenced by deep-rooted societal norms, her father prevented her from continuing her education. He feared that it would complicate her marital prospects. "Conditions outside were not appropriate for a young girl”, "If you educate a girl, you’ll have to find a more educated groom as well," the community taunted.

To make matters worse, her village of Devipur in Karnal district, Hayana, lacked schools, skilling centres, and career opportunities. Despite these opportunities being available just a few kilometres away, without affordable and safe transport, children and youth, especially girls, had to give up on their dreams.

If it weren’t for our adolescent empowerment programme with BT Group and Breakthrough, Naina might not have had the opportunity to pursue her ambitions with determination and confidence. 

Devipur Photo Second Round Of Discussion With CJM During Kishori Mela

Our partner Breakthrough onboarded her as a Team Change Leader (TCL) – our programme that equips girls with the confidence and skills to speak up and advocate for gender quality, education, and safety in their schools and communities.

With the training she received, Naina attempted to change her father’s stance. Though her initial efforts were unsuccessful, she found allies in her supportive aunt and uncle, whose backing bolstered her determination. Moved by her steadfast resolve, her father relented, and Naina was one step closer to her dream of completing her education.

“I just need one opportunity to (become someone) so that I too can help girls who have big dreams but are just labelled as burdens,” said Naina, who had become a shining example for her sisters, setting a precedent that changed not just her future but theirs as well.

Ready to take on the world

As she fought her family for the right to study, she also decided to fight for other girls and youth in the village. She joined other girls from the community, and together they formed the Shakti (Strength) group to advocate for the educational needs of women and children, guided by Breakthrough.

At first, the village was shocked to see a band of girls coming together and the rumours, travelled fast. “When we began to come together to talk, people in the neighbourhood would gossip about us. It wasn’t pleasant and we didn’t like listening to that kind of thing,” Naina said.

‘Shakti’ remained undeterred. Despite facing societal resistance, the Shakti group remained committed to their cause.

Utilising their training, the Shakti group wrote a letter to the Chief Judicial Magistrate, demanding a bus service to facilitate access to education in nearby villages and towns. Their bold initiative paid off, and the Chief Judicial Magistrate agreed to their request. The introduction of a bus service, which was free for college students, enabled the girls in Devipur to travel to nearby villages and towns to pursue higher education and vocational training.


Change Story Of Garhi Khajur Bus Service Photo

The ripple effect

Naina is now an ITI Diploma holder and Bachelor of Arts student, transformed into an empowered individual shaping her destiny. Her journey inspired others, sparking a ripple effect in neighbouring villages.

The success in Devipur reached the nearby village of Garhi Khajur, where girls faced similar transportation challenges. Girls had to travel 18-20 kilometres if they wished to study beyond class 12! Motivated by Devipur's example, young girls initiated a signature campaign, presenting their case to the Karnal district Chief Judicial Magistrate's office. As a result, Garhi Khajur also secured a regular bus service, benefiting numerous students!

Devipur Bus Young Girls Now Travel And Opt Non Traditional Courses