What does unlocking potential really mean?

It’s an easy thing to say: we unlock potential.
You can see what it means on the faces of some of the girls we help. But behind these smiles there is a long story.
For some girls it is a story of extreme hardship. Sometimes this is the hardship that comes from sheer poverty. Sometimes it is the hardship and injustice that results from being regarded as ‘just a girl’.
No matter what the causes, we see time and again just how strong and determined girls are. By working closely with local partner organisations we can identify what sort of help girls really need, and then bring them the support and training that will enable them to stand on their own two feet.
We see girls like Nadia from Bahawalpur, Southern Punjab, who will be starting her own business thanks to our support. She may well follow in the footsteps of other girls who end up transforming their community by employing others in a thriving business.
What’s important here is to recognise that short-term hand-outs won’t empower girls to change their lives. They need a hand-up, someone who believes in them, a chance to learn skills and take control of their own lives.
That is what the British Asian Trust provides, and that’s what you can help provide today through our Give a Girl a Future appeal.
To provide life-changing training and support for a year costs just £60. Whatever you give will be doubled by the UK Government, so a gift of £30 will be doubled to provide an entire year of invaluable support for a girl. You can enable a girl to realise just how much potential she really has, and gain the skills that will give her the confidence to find work.
You can give a girl a future right now. Will you help girls see a future, where before they could see none? Will you help girls see that in a world of injustice and inequality, they can have a chance?
Your support can bring optimism, confidence, and a real sense of dignity.
No matter what you choose to give you will make a real difference.
What is more, every donation will be doubled by the UK government. Thank you so much for whatever you can give. Together, we can transform lives.