Women often take a backseat

More than ever before, women in the UK are able to juggle work with family life. But while we are moving towards equality in relation to a woman’s role within the family, there is still a long way to go. Women still have to bear the majority of bringing up and looking after children within the family unit. So although a woman’s role has changed, it has perhaps not changed enough!
Women today have more opportunities, chances and privileges than ever, but this is not yet true all over the world. This is why I support the British Asian Trust, because we need to try and create the same kinds of opportunities for females everywhere.
In an ever-shrinking world and with the advent of internet and social networking, as well as an abundance of flights making travel across the world easier, our lives are massively different to those of previous generations. However, the increased opportunities for us all and the advances in modern day living inevitably means there is higher expectation on us, as well as increased pressures for us to deliver.
When it comes to managing a career with a family life, it is certainly possible, but it is very tricky. Childcare is expensive and often it is the man’s career that takes precedent over the woman’s. She will often have to take a backseat with respect to career advancement.
Overall, women are expected (more than ever before) to be all things to everyone; mother, wife, confidante, domesticate, careerist, cook, friend, cleaner – and the rest. But although we are pulled in all directions, I reckon we do a great job! Men will probably think I’m biased!
Konnie Huq, British Asian Trust Ambassador.