Education continues to be a major challenge for South Asia. Although enrolment in school has improved (92% in India), the quality of learning remains poor for many and drop out rates are high – especially among girls.
32 million children in South Asia are not enrolled at school, 11.3 million of them are missing out on primary-school. Of the primary-level children that do attend, only a third achieve basic writing and maths skills by grade 4.
Our approach:
We focus on improving education systems, working with partners to train teachers and develop teaching tools. We use technology and new solutions to ensure children are not just in school but are learning.
Through our work:
- we have supported over 550,000 children to receive a quality education in South Asia
- over 10,000 educators have been trained to deliver high-quality teaching.
$11m Development Impact Bond for education in India
Improving the quality of education can reduce drop-out rates, delay early marriage for girls and enable better life outcomes. Working with an impressive coalition of public and private partners, this innovative social finance model will seek to ensure improved learning levels in literacy and numeracy for hundreds of thousands of primary school children in marginalised communities in India.
“If I hadn’t run away, I would be married by now, tending goats out in the nowhere. I want to be a teacher to encourage the other girls to fight for their education.”