South Asia, one of the most diverse regions on the planet, houses nearly 15.5% of the world’s flora and 12% of the world's fauna, and many communities depend on this biodiversity for their livelihoods.

Every year, as many as 720,000 people die as a result of suicide, and the overwhelming majority of these (73%) are in low- and middle-income countries.*
Our approach:
We want to transform the mental health landscape in Pakistan and Bangladesh and help change the lives of millions of people with mental health issues. We are providing more services, reaching more people, raising awareness through our high-profile ambassadors and working with the highest levels of government to drive real change.
Through our work:
- over 200,000 people are more aware of mental health issues and available support
- over 19,000 have accessed and received clinical and non-clinical support
- over 100 community health workers have been given training in mental health issues

“I took some medicine to try and kill myself. I thought if I’m not around then my problem would go away.”
Mental health and wellbeing in Pakistan
An estimated 50 million (one in four) people in Pakistan experience mental health issues yet 90% of those needing treatment cannot access support. Stigma and poor awareness also mean many people do not seek help. Services for diagnosis and care are almost non-existent and those that do exist are of poor quality.