Outcomes Readiness Programme

Why this is important
Outcomes-based financing is growing, with an increasing number of funders seeking to shift from financing ‘inputs’ to financing ‘outcomes’. While non-profits and service providers might be outcomes-focused at a programmatic level, they often lack the necessary resources, skill sets, or networks to drive this approach at an organisation level and participate in outcomes-financing models.
As funders continue to recognise the benefits of supporting high impact programmes focused on outcomes, it is critical to support service providers with the right capacity building tools and resources to help them unlock these avenues of funding.
The Outcomes Readiness Programme is the British Asian Trust’s capacity building programme to support Indian non-profits with the guidance and tools needed to unlock outcomes-based financing.
Project Partners: Atma, Sesame Workshop, Sol’s Arc
Duration: 2020 - 2021
What we are doing
- Driving a shift among service providers from an input-based system to an outcomes-focused, data driven system.
- Helping service providers improve organisational capabilities and achieve better programmatic results.
- Encouraging greater accountability and transparency, helping donors understand the most effective models in the sector.
- Successfully piloted the programme, implemented by Atma, for two promising Indian non-profits in the education sector – Sesame Workshop India and Sol’s Arc.
- Now exploring how to scale and adapt it to other sectors to create a portfolio of ‘outcomes-ready’ non-profits in the future.
Read this article by our team highlighting key pointers from the programme, for non-profits to understand what it takes capitalise on outcomes-based financing.