Privacy policy


Our relationship with our supporters and the public at large is of great importance to the Trust. This policy sets out the basis by which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us.   


When we refer to ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ in this policy, we mean the British Asian Trust, registered charity number 1127366 of Camburgh House, 27 New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent CT1 3DN. Further details are availableon our website.   


The British Asian Trust is committed to protecting your personal information and making sure that our communications with you are secure, proportionate and targeted. This policy explains how we collect, manage and use the personal information you provide to us, whether online, via phone or in person, email, writing or any other correspondence.  Most information that we hold will have been obtained directly from you, with some from publicly available sources.   

All staff receive regular data protection training. 


We may use your personal data for a number of purposes, including the following:  

  1. To provide you with information about the work and activities of the British Asian Trust. This might include sending you publications, e-newsletters, invitations to events and details of funding or sponsorship opportunities.  
  2. To further our charitable objectives, including asking you to donate or otherwise help us raise funds, but always in accordance with best fundraising practice.   
  3. To provide you with information by email which we feel may interest you and where you have given your consent to be contacted by email. This may include requests for your support (please refer to How We May Contact You).  
  4. To provide you with information about our work or our activities by post where we have a legitimate interest in sending it to you. Again, this may include requests for your support.  
  5. To telephone you if you have provided us with your telephone number and have not registered with the Telephone Preference Service.  
  6. To process a donation we may receive from you and to communicate with you in regard to the donation (this could include asking you whether you would like to sign a gift aid declaration to allow us to claim gift aid on your donation).  
  7. To conduct donor research to gain a better understanding of our supporters, inform our fundraising strategy and target our communications more effectively and appropriately.  
  8. For internal record keeping, including the management of any feedback or complaints.  
  9. For administrative purposes: for example, regarding a donation you have made or an event you have registered for or attended, including security for that event.  
  10. For recruitment purposes.  
  11. Electronic tools may also be used to monitor the impact of the British Asian Trust’s  communications, such as using email tracking to record when an email we sent to you has been opened.  
  12. We also use your data to ensure that the ways in which we communicate with you do not conflict with your chosen communication channel preferences (for example, by post, telephone or electronic means).  
  13. To target communications and messages to you and to identify similar groups of prospective supporters.   
  14. To compile briefing notes for our staff about guests in advance of meetings, dinners and other events at which supporters and potential supporters may be present.  
  15. When data processing is authorised by law, for example conducting due diligence before accepting a major donation. Due diligence is conducted in accordance with the British Asian Trust’s due diligence and ethical fundraising policies.  
  16. We may assess your personal information for the purposes of credit risk reduction or fraud prevention.  


We may collect personal information about you when you engage with us for a number of reasons including if you make a donation, attend one of our events, engage with our social media, enquire about our activities, sign up for our newsletter, participate in a campaign, or apply for a job with us.   

This can include information such as your name, postal address, email address, phone number, age, bank details and credit/ debit card details, if relevant. When you make a donation to us, we also ask if you are a UK taxpayer and would like us to claim Gift Aid on your donation and we record this information. If you attend an event hosted by the British Asian Trust or one of our partners, photographs or video may be taken. Images or video may be used in promotional materials for the charity on our website, social media channels and online and offline marketing.    

In addition to your personal data, we may also ask for your preferences so that we can send you information that is tailored to your interests.   

We do not usually collect ‘sensitive personal data’ from you unless there is a clear reason and we have your explicit consent to do so.,  

Potential new supporters and donors  

We may collect information on potential supporters or donors who might be interested in becoming involved or increasing their involvement with the British Asian Trust. The majority of this data will only come from publicly available sources such as national and local press, Charity Commission, Companies House and from social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.  We also use BoardEx ( and Kroll ( as part of our due diligence process to ensure we are accepting donation in accordance with our gift acceptance policy   

Website Users  

Our web servers use cookies and collect anonymous logs during user visits to our website that provide valuable information for improving them in the future. For more information see our separate Cookies policy.  

Job applicants  

If you apply to work at the British Asian Trust, we will only use the information you give us to process your application and to monitor recruitment statistics. If we want to disclose information to someone externally, for example, if we need a reference, we will make sure we tell you beforehand, unless we are required to disclose this information by law.  

If you are unsuccessful in your job application, we may hold your personal information for up to 12 months after we’ve finished recruiting for the post you applied for. After this date we will destroy or delete your information. We may keep de-personalised statistical information about applicants to develop our recruitment processes, however no individual applicant would be identifiable from this information.  

If you commence employment with the British Asian Trust, your data will be processed in accordance with your employment contract and our other applicable policies.  


Hosting and processing arrangements  

Our website and Customer Relationship Management database (Salesforce) are hosted by third party service providers and therefore any personal details you submit through them may be processed by that third party service provider.   

We also use other third parties to process your personal details, including in the following areas:  

  • to process online payments  
  • to process information associated with applications for employment or volunteering opportunities and related recruitment processes. All third party service providers process your personal information only on the British Asian Trust’s behalf and are bound by contractual terms that are compliant with data protection law.  

Data will not be disclosed to external organisations other than those acting as agents for the British Asian Trust, or suppliers who manage (for example) guest lists for events; with the Royal Household where it needs access to relevant guest lists; with relevant agencies such as the police or security services for ensuring screening and safety at events; with the principal or any special guest at a specific event who will be involved in thanking supporters.   

The British Asian Trust does not sell any of its data to third party organisations.  

We may have to share certain information with relevant authorities upon request, for example the Charity Commission, or HM Revenue and Customs in respect of any Gift Aid claims.  

Payment processing and fraud  

Where submitted, your card details will be disclosed to banks or relevant financial institutions to arrange payments. In the case of a suspected fraudulent transaction, your details may be further disclosed for the sole purpose of performing further checks (for example, disclosure to a credit checking agency).  

Other sharing  

If you have signed up to attend one of our events, we may share your data with the venue to ensure security checks and registration at the event can run smoothly. We may also share your personal information with your permission or if we are legally required to disclose your information in circumstances where this cannot be reasonably resisted.   


By email  
If possible, we would like to be able to contact you by email because we feel it is the most efficient and productive way to communicate with you.  We will contact you by email if you have given us your email address and we are emailing you to provide the services you have requested.  

We may in addition contact you for marketing purposes by email if you have given us your consent to do so. This may include requests for your support through a variety of different fundraising initiatives such as requesting donations or inviting you to attend special events.  

By post and telephone  
If you have provided us with your postal address or telephone number, we may send you direct mail or telephone you about our work and our fundraising campaigns, unless you have told us that you would prefer not to receive such information. We will carry out a legitimate interest assessment to ensure that we are satisfied that you would reasonably expect such communications from us and would not consider it to be intrusive. For example, we may want to post you an invitation to an event we think you may be interested in.  

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in furthering the charitable aims of the British Asian Trust. In order to do so, we need to be able to tell people about our work and to raise funds by donations and sponsorships.    

If you have not given us your data yourself and we have not received it from a third party, we will only contact you if you fall into one or more of the categories below: 

You are a known philanthropist or connected with a company, trust or foundation,

You are a publicly recognisable figure.

Business to business communications  
If we are communicating to you on a ‘business to business’ basis we will contact you by post, phone or email, unless you have let us know that you would prefer us not to do so.  


We take into account various criteria when determining the appropriate retention period including:  

the purposes for which we process your data and how long we need to keep the data to achieve these purposes; 

  • how long personal data is likely to remain accurate and up to date; 
  • the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal information 
  • for how long the personal data might be relevant to possible future legal claims; 
  • any applicable regulations which specify how long certain records must be kept.   

If you have told us that you do not want to hear from us at all or by a particular channel, we will hold the minimum amount of your personal data on a suppression list to ensure we comply with your request.  


Do you want us to stop contacting you?  
It is your choice as to whether and how you want to receive information about us and our work, and the ways you can get involved. You have the right at any time to ask us to amend or stop using your personal information, including for marketing purposes.  

You may opt out of marketing emails at any time by clicking the ‘unsubscribe’ link in our marketing emails. You can also change any of your marketing preferences at any time (including telling us that you don’t want us to contact you for marketing purposes by telephone or send you direct marketing by post) by contacting 

If you have told us that you do not want to hear from us at all or by a particular channel, we will hold the minimum amount of your personal data on a suppression list to ensure we comply with your request.  

Requesting a copy of the information we hold on you? 

You have a right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies corrected or your data erased. We aim to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it could take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made several requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated. Please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your contact with us to help us locate your records. You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal data (or to exercise any of the other rights). However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we could refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.  

Please contact us by writing to the British Asian Trust, Scale Space, 58 Wood Ln, London W12 7RZ or email Changes@britishasiantrust.orgfor any requests or related enquiries.  

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority such as the Information Commissioners Office at  

We may amend this Privacy Policy at any time, so please do check it from time to time. Any significant changes to this Policy or to the way we treat your data will be communicated via the Trust’s website or by contacting you directly through the most appropriate means. By continuing to engage with us through our services and our website you will be deemed to have accepted such changes.  

Please feel free to contact us with any questions related to the policy.   


This Policy applies to all data we collect from across the British Asian Trust, including our website. If a link on this website takes you to the website of a third party, you should refer to the privacy policy relating to that website to understand how your personal information is managed by that third party or how they use cookies. We cannot accept any responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third party websites and your use of such websites is at your own risk.  


We may update the terms of this Policy at any time, so please do check it from time to time. We will notify you about significant changes in the way we treat personal information by sending a notice to the primary email address you have provided to us or by placing a prominent notice on our website. By continuing to engage with us through our services and our website you will be deemed to have accepted such changes.