Chris Mathias is a successful entrepreneur and leader, born and raised in India but now living in the UK. He is married with three daughters and is an active sportsman and keen traveller. He combines these interests with active roles in Venture Capital and in social and philanthropic investment.

Chris attended Bristol University, studying Politics and Economics. Upon graduation, he joined Arthur Andersen in London, where he worked for three years with a focus on financial services clients. He completed an M.B.A. at INSEAD, Paris, in 1987, graduating on the Dean’s List, and then joined Bain & Co’s London office.

Chris co-founded CMG Partners and Arbor Ventures. Both are private investment management companies with a strong focus on early-stage companies and turnaround/restructure situations. The second of these organizations has a strong interest in “social investments” – viable commercial businesses that also have a strong social agenda and impact from the outset.

Prior to this, Chris successfully founded several companies, most notably Conduit Communications Ltd, an IT consulting firm and service provider. He grew this business to become one of the premier internet consulting companies in Europe with offices in London, Amsterdam, New York and Boston.

Chris is actively involved with a number of charities and non profit organisations – in particular, organisations and projects that are sustainable beyond the lifetime of a funding commitment, build lasting capacity, develop local skills and are focused on the very poor. He is particularly committed to the eradication of the trafficking of women and children through Kolkatta, India.

Chris was one of the Founding Trustees of the British Asian Trust and served as the Chair of the British Asian Trust’s Programmes and Partnerships Committee from its inception for over a decade.