Chandni Vora
Hi, I am Chandni- a wife and working mum to two amazing daughters 11 and 17. Apart from occasional building site visits as Operating Officer for Vascroft Contractors Ltd, those that know me, know how passionate I am about cycling as it’s my form of self-care to remain healthy, fit and keep my diabetes at bay. Hence when this “Palaces on Wheels” challenge opportunity came spinning my way three weeks ago, the cause and purpose, sat very close to my values of “Sewa” - and giving back to better someone’s life stands at the forefront. I knew it was a route of giving back time and energy to raise much needed funds.

The Why?
I am grateful for my Ugandan Asian immigrant parents, who took the courage to uproot from India and provide me with the opportunity of a life with shelter, food, clean water and to build a career in the UK, due to a sound education and the knowledge to live an independent and resilient life. Since childhood I have been actively involved in community work, and as a family we have continued to support many charities in the UK, India and Africa, including the work of the British Asian Trust, Navchetan Andhjan Mandal, Bhuj-Gujarat, Sewa UK, Care, One Kind Act to name a few, all providing vital support and resources to those living in rural areas.
The “If I Can, She Can” Appeal launched by the British Asian Trust, along with Rohit and Bobby’s tireless work of five years of these unique fundraising challenges, totally ticked all my values for “Sewa” and service to those that need our help. The atrocities behind the child trafficking dark economy breaks every parent’s heart. Domestic abuse as being the norm- why? Education is the power and source for all to break out of this vicious relentless cycle. COVID-19 has devastated all aspects of life across South Asia, particularly for women and girls; children are at greater risk of exploitation, the mental health crisis has deepened, education is on hold and livelihoods have been wiped out overnight. Hence us 30 cyclists have come together from all walks and taken a pledge to ride 400km (approx. 250m) over four days across our England’s pastures green!
Together as a team, we will be making a difference and providing the resources to set up infrastructures to educate the children of our South Asian roots; helping to remove the barriers that cause them to feel that they are not worthy and empower them with the right tools to believe in themselves and that they have choices!
“No ONE can help everyone, but EVERYONE together can help someone.”
Where you come into play is by digging deep and appreciating that four days of an average 100km of riding per day on a small saddle, is NOT a simple feat, even for a passionate amateur cyclist like moi!
So, let’s come together to eradicate these atrocities, that have been compounded by the pandemic. Their needs are even more acute and desperate now. Let’s help build empowering educational facilities for these young girls and children to live a more purposeful life! #BATPoW
Thank you for your support, Chandni
To support by credit/debit card via Just Giving please donate here.
To support by bank transfer please use these details.
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Together we can make a difference.
Meet the cyclists taking part in Palaces on Wheels.
#HaveFun #GetFit #MakeADifference