Professional networks and community groups
We enable corporate and community groups to support the social, faith and diversity values of their members. We are enormously grateful for the passion and generosity of the networks with whom we work.

Why work with us?
We are experts in development: We have excellent country knowledge and connections in South Asia. We deliver value for money and are relied on by our donors to spend money wisely on key priorities for change: livelihoods, education, anti-trafficking and mental health.
We are accountable and effective: We ensure due diligence in our partnerships and we seek to evidence the outcomes of our interventions. We test our work to find the most effective solutions and then take these to scale. We report on how your funds have been spent and the impact they are having.
We support your fundraising: We reach audiences in the UK and globally. We can support your fundraising with promotion, provide resources and come to talk to your audiences about our work. We can connect you with others and we will recognise your support through our social media.
We have a shared outlook: We want to unlock the potential of disadvantaged people. We are focused on fresh thinking to achieve substantial, long-term change. We believe in tolerance, equality and inclusion. And for those whose faith supports Zakat, we are able to offer Zakat-giving in accordance with Islamic law.
Network partnerships
Corporate groups
Professional groups
Community groups
Community groups
Contact us
We would be delighted if your network is interested in supporting our work.
Do get in touch to discuss partnering opportunities.